Willi Baumeister, Adolf Hölzel and Fritz Seitz Comb, Pastel and Buttermilk
Work by Willi Baumeister titled Sun Figures

Comb, Pastel and Buttermilk. Willi Baumeister, Adolf Hölzel and Fritz Seitz

The artist Willi Baumeister (1889–1955) also regarded himself as a craftsman. He experimented with diverse materials and techniques. Using a steel comb, he ploughed the background or the surface of the so-called comb pictures. He covered black areas, which already appeared in his early works, temporarily with buttermilk, thus creating a matt colour effect. Entire work series are characterised by sand and putty.

Baumeisters rarely presented pastel drawings entered into a dialogue with works by his teacher Adolf Hölzel (1853–1934) and by his student Fritz Seitz (1926–2017). The Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart, where Baumeister studied and worked as a Professor, participated in the exhibition with research and studies of painting and material techniques.

Curator Hadwig Goez (Baumeister Archive at the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart )
Kuratorische Assistenz Carla Link-Walesch (Baumeister Archive at the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart)
In Kooperation mit Graduate program »Rahmenwechsel«, Stuttgart and Konstanz; Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Stuttgart; the Willi Baumeister Foundation, Stuttgart; Prof. Esther Hagenlocher, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA